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Launched in 1995 by Jean-François Hocquard, Eric Desvallées and Rick Jellow, Luxam has developed and delivered expert lighting solutions for more than 250 museums in 25 countries worldwide.

Our References
North America's References
- Alabama State Archives, Montgomery, AL American Museum of Natural history – NY
- Appomattox Court House Museum – VA Armenian Museum of America – MA
- Autry Museum of the West
- Babe Ruth Birthplace -MD
- Boston Fine Art, Boston, MA
- Carnegie Museum of Natural History, PA Carnegie Museum of New Hampshire – NH
- Central Synagogue, Manhattan, NY Chicago History Museum – IL
- Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, ILL Cincinnati Art Museum – Oh
- Cleveland Museum of Natural History – OH
- Collier County Museum, FL
- Cranbrook Institute – MI
- Emory University – GA
- Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco – CA
- First Division Museum at Cantigny, Wheaton, IL
- Ford’s Theatre – DC
- Frazier Historical Arms Museum, Louisville, KY
- Frick Collection, NY
- George W. Bush Presidential Library, Dallas, TX
- Georgia State Capitol Museum – GA
- GIA Institute, CA
- Hilllwood Estate Museum – DC
- Jamestown/Yorktown Foundation – VA
- Jim Moran foundation – FL
- Knoxville Museum of Art, TN
- LSU Museum of Art – LA
- Marco Island Museum, FL
- Mariners Museum, VA
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
- Mississippi Museum of Natural History – MI
- Mississippi Museum of Natural history, Jackson, MS
- Mt. Vernon Education Center, VA
- Museum of American finance – NY
- Museum of Fine Art p Boston – MA
- Nantucket Whaling Museum, Nantucket, MA
- National Archives, DC
- National Civil War Museum, PA
- National Infantry Museum – GA
- National Museum of African American History and Culture – DC National Museum of American History, DC
- National Museum of American Indians, NY
- National Museum of Natural history -Deep time 2019
National Museum of Natural History, DC - National Museum of the American Indian, DC
- National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC
- National Portrait Gallery, DC
- National Postal Museum, DC
- New York Historical Society – NY
- Newseum – DC
- Norton Museum of Art – FL
- Old Conn. Statehouse, CT
- Peabody Essex Museum – MA
- Philadelphia Museum of Art – PA
- Pitts Theology Library Emory University, Atlanta, GA
- Polk County Museum, FL
- Ronald Regan Presidential Library, CA
- Sandoway Nature Center, Delray, FL
- Smithsonian Libraries – DC
- Sports Legends Museum – Camden Yards, Baltimore, MD
- The Asia Society, NY
The Catholic Museum of America – DC - The Cloisters, NY
- The Holy Land attraction, Orlando, FL
- The Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- The Mob Museum
The White House Porcelain Collection, DC - University Conn Ballard Museum of Puppetry, CT
- University of Florida Harn Museum of Asian Art, Gainesville, FL US Marine Corps Museum, VA
- US Mint, Philadelphia, PA
US Naval Academy – John Paul Jones crypt, Annapolis, MD USC – Doheny Library - Treasure Room, Los Angeles, CA
- USGolf association Museum
Vassar College, NY - Virginia Museum of Fine Art – VA
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
South America's References
- Acheological Museum of Piura, Peru
- Museu Carlos Costa Pinto, Salvador de Bahia, Brasil Museum of Sacred Art, Belem,
- Brasil
- Museo de la moda, Santiago, Chile
- Museo de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
Europe's References
- Amsterdam University Library
- Archeological museum of Mykenae
- Army Museum, Bruxelles
- Ashmolean Museum ,Oxford
- Australian Memorial Monash
- Villers bretonneux, France
- Blaschka collection, Aquarium,
- Liége
- Byzantyne Museum, Athens
- Carolus Borromeus, Antwerpen,
- Belgium
- Faberge and Icon exhibition,Vatican
- Hasselt Museum, Belgium
- Diamond museum, Antwerpen,
- Belgium
- Faberge Exhibition, Venaria
- Reale, Torino
- Gaasbeck castle, Belgium
- Historische Museum, Basel
- Holborn museum, Bath, UK
- Katoenatie museum, Antwerpen,
- Belgium
- King‘s Library British Museum, UK
- La Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
- Landesmuseum Emden, Germany
- Le Musée d’Orsay, Paris
- Le Musée des Antiquités
- Nationales de Saint Germain en
- Laye Manching kelt museum,
- Germany
- Le Musée Fragonard de Grasse
- Le Palais de la Découverte, Paris
- Les Archives Nationales, Paris
- Library Braunschweg, Germany
- Maison Rouge, Paris
- MAS, Antwerpen, Belgium
- National Bavaria Library,
- Munich, Germany
- Middelheim museum, Atwerppen
- Mineralogy Museum Beyrouth
- Musee parfum Fragonard, Paris
- Musée Borelli, Marseille
- Musée de l’Armée, Invalides,
- Paris
- Musée de l’esclavage, Pointe a
- pitre, Guadeloupe, France Musée
- de la dentelle, Calais, France
- Musée de la gendarmerie, Melun,
- France
- Musée Delvaux Brussels, Belgium
- Musée Historique de Strasbourg,
- France
- Musée des Beaux Arts, Bruxelles
- Musée L Louvain la Neuve,
- Belgium
- Musée M leuven, Belgium
- Museum of London
- Museum of Natural History,
- Madrid
- National Archeological Museum of Athens
- National Archeological Museum of Thessaloniki
- National Bavaria Museum, Munich, Germany
- National Museum of Iceland
- National Museum of Ireland 1916
- Order of st John Museum
- Palais Borely, Marseille, France
- Palais de Tokyo , Paris
- Palais de Versailles, France
- Petit Palais, Paris
- Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford
- Preston Porcelain Museum, UK
- Rijks egyptian colllection Leiden
- Holland
- Royal Library Bruxelles
- Royal Medieval Textile M v
- useum, Burgos, Spain
- Saint Peter Babbey, Gent,
- Belgium
- Toy Museum, Luxembourg
- Valencia History Museum, Spain
Asia's References
- Asian Civilization Museum, Singapore
- Ceramic gallery, Reference
- Collection, Forbidden city, Beijing
- Chiang Mai national Museum, Thailande
- Fireboat Museum, Hong Kong
- Hubei history Museum, China
- Hunan Museum, China
- Indian Heritage Museum, Singapore
- Inner Mongolia Museum, China
- National Library, Singapore
- National Library, Singapore
- National Museum of Singapore
- Peranakan Museum, Singapore
- Shenzen regional Museum, China
- The Chariots, The Terra Cotta
- Museum, Xian, China
Oceania's References
- Australia Museum ,Sydney ,Australia Australian National Maritine Museum He Tohu .
- Wellington, New Zealand MONA, Hobart ,Tasmania
- National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia The Schrine, Melbourne, Australia
- TMAG, Hobart, Tasmania
Luxam operates in Miami (US), Paris (France), London (UK), Shanghai (China) and Dubai.
Founded in the US, Luxam operates in Miami (US), Paris (France), London (UK), Munich (Germany), Dubai (UAE), and Shanghai (China).